The 2023 County Boys Matchplay Championship was played on 14 & 15 Aug at the Nottinghamshire Golf & Country Club.


Although the weather on the first afternoon was a bit mixed the second day was glorious.


The course was in perfect condition with a number of new water features since we were here in 2022.


The 8 finalist fought out some great matches in the Monday 1/4 finals and resulted in Kai Krishnan, Charlie Cooke, Louis Cooke and Owen Rafferty moving onto the final day


The semi finals resulted on Charlie and Louis playing off for 3rd place which Charlie won 4&3 against his younger cousin.


The final was between two top County boys and Kai ran out a 6&4 winner – a great result for the 16yr old from Stanton on the Wolds GC


Thanks to all County officials who where there to support and particular thanks to Roger Poole and his team of referees.


Pete Trotter

NUGC Chair of Junior Golf