2nd Team – Staffordshire Match Report & Season Overview

Staffordshire Match Report

With the league title already won, you’d have thought that we might relax and just enjoy a day out at Radcliffe on Trent GC, however the lads didn’t agree and decided prior to the morning’s matches that this was now our most important game of the season and we had to make it 5 wins out of 5.

The morning foursomes were a pretty even affair for the first 9 holes, with the lead changing hands in several of the matches, however, as has happened in a number of our matches this season, the back 9 saw us assert control to ensure we ended the session 5-0 ahead!

The afternoon singles was always going to see a Staffordshire fight back, and they put in some great performances to try to get back into the match. Unfortunately they again came up against some great golf from our boys which ensured we won 6 of the 10 points on offer, with wins coming from Cam Steedman, Darren Kirton, Isaac Walker, Ross Overton, and Tom Bagshaw, with halved matches coming from Ben West and Sam Sanghera.

Special praise must go to our debutant Tom, who slotted seamlessly into the team, and who will prove to be a valuable asset to Nottinghamshire men’s golf for many years to come. Well done mate, you did an amazing job!

As always my thanks go to the host club who looked after us all day, and to our 11th man Edgar Bramwell, who regardless of the score always tells me it’s nip and tuck.

The Season Overview & Thanks

This was my first season as the County Men’s 2nd Team Captain, so it was always going to be a learning curve as to what was needed from me, and how I’d get the best out of the team. I’d love to say that I was instrumental in us being successful this season, however from the moment we arrived at Stourbridge Golf Club in May it was blatantly obvious that the winning mentality, togetherness, and the application from the lads meant that I had an incredibly easy role to fulfill.

With that in mind, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone of the boys who represented the team this season, it’s been a pleasure to play alongside you all and captain the side, and your respective clubs, and all the members of the union should be very proud of you and your achievements!

My thanks also go to Edgar, Colin and Mandy Bee for their ongoing guidance and support, it’s very much appreciated by me and the team.

As much as we can enjoy this title triumph (which we will), we will now look forward to next season, where I know we will come back stronger in order to retain our league title.