Match Report

Nottinghamshire vs Shropshire & Herefordshire

Venue: Coxmoor Golf Club

Date: 5th May 2024

An immaculately presented Coxmoor was the venue for our first match of the season against a strong Shropshire and Herefordshire side.

The morning foursomes saw some great golf being played by all of our pairings. As we entered the back 9 each match was fairly even, however birdies at critical times saw us prevail in matches two and four via the pairings of Matt Hogg & Lee Shepherd and Jacob Smith and Malc Brown. In match 5 Dean Reddington & Cole Betteridge delivered a hard fought half point which ensured we entered the singles with all to play for with the scores at 2.5 – 2.5.

Following an excellent lunch we entered the singles in high spirits. The boys didn’t disappoint, as those spectating were treated to a great exhibition of golf with birdies being made all across the course. Excellent wins were recorded by Jack Sallis, Matt Hogg, Mark Porter, Jacob Smith, Malc Brown and Dean Reddington, with Lee Shepherd and Ash Norwood delivering half points to ensure we won the singles 7 – 3, and the overall match 9.5 – 5.5!

An excellent start to the season, the lads were excellent and I can’t thank them enough for their support and commitment!

My thanks to everyone at Coxmoor Golf Club for looking after us all day, it was greatly appreciated by the team. Also, a special thanks to Richard Jeffs for starting both the morning and afternoon matches, and Colin and Mandy for their ongoing support. 

Anthony Wain

County Captain